The Award-Winning Children's Book
A poignant tale of love, loss, and the journey toward a new life.
Transported halfway around the world from the wonderfully rainy streets of London, a little umbrella finds himself in a strange city where the sky is almost always clear. Cast aside by the boy who once loved him, the Lonely Little Bumbershoot will never know happiness again.
Or will he?
Spanish Edition
Una conmovedora historia de amor, pérdida, y el viaje hacia una nueva vida.
Transportado por medio mundo desde las maravillosas calles lluviosas de Londres, un pequeño paraguas verde se encuentra a sí mismo en una ciudad diferente donde el cielo está casi siempre despejado. Dejado a un lado por el muchacho que una vez lo quiso, el pequeño y solitario Bumbershoot nunca más sabrá lo que es la felicidad. ¿O será que si? Una conmovedora historia de amor, pérdida, y el viaje hacia una nueva vida.
El Pequeno Bumbershoot Solitario is available in paperback.
The Illustrator
Brise Birdsong is an illustrator, muralist, graphic designer, and painter based in Southern California. Her unique style combines clean lines, patterns, and bold colors. You can see some of her creations throughout San Diego, CA on walls, utility boxes, or galleries.
She studied Media Arts in Animation at the Art Institute of California - San Diego, graduating in 2011. Brise started her freelance career during college and continues today in a wide range of projects from digital to traditional methods.
Aside from her gallery & street art, Brise runs her pet portrait business called, Derpy Pet Portraits. In 2017, she decided to combine her love of animals & art to create custom art for pet owners. With each portrait, she donates portions of her earnings to animal shelters in Southern California.
She plans to work on more children's books in the future. She also has experience teaching, from children's art to college-level courses for high schoolers on color theory & image manipulation at her alma mater.
The Authors
Jeff Edwards is a retired U.S. Navy Chief Petty Officer, and an Anti-Submarine Warfare Specialist. His naval career spanned more than two decades and half the globe - from chasing Soviet nuclear attack submarines during the Cold War, to launching cruise missiles in the Persian Gulf.
Trained extensively in mainframe computers, weapons systems, and naval combat tactics, he brings an experience-based edge of authenticity to his writing. Collectively, his novels have won the Admiral Nimitz Award for Outstanding Naval Fiction, the Reader’s Choice Award, the Clive Cussler Grandmaster Award for Adventure Writing, the Military Writer’s Society of America Gold Medal for Navy Fiction, and the American Author Medal.
Brenda Edwards is the smart half of the writing team. In addition to being the source of many (or most) good ideas that go into Jeff's thriller novels, she does research, marketing, and most of the critical tasks that make it possible for Jeff to write.
They live in California, where they consult for the Department of the Navy.
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